Personal Training Professionals

New Canaan


Wendy Hower

Riding the weight loss roller coaster most of my life found me on a steep incline for longer than I had intended. Getting winded walking from the car to my work, difficulty climbing stairs, an inability to play any sports with my students and an overall lack of energy brought me to my summit. I decided then and there that I was going to take control of my life. I knew from past experiences and research that diets just don’t work to keep the weight off long term, not for someone like myself who needs to lose over two hundred pound to get to a healthy weight. My roller coaster paused at the top and I took on a team mate, Kristen Carron from Personal Training Professionals (PTP) in New Canaan. Kristen agreed to be my trainer and has been so much more. She’s been my coach, friend, and literally a life saver. By helping me set realistic goals it made them attainable. She understood that we had to work initially to get my body in a healthy enough condition that it would be possible for me to start losing the weight without hurting myself. We not only worked on weight training but nutrition and cardio options for someone my size.

My roller coaster started to descend and as it did, it began to pick up speed. It’s been a few years now and I’ve lost over 100lbs! Kristen is still right there with me through all the little hills and valleys. Although my ride is not over yet, I would never have been able to get this far without the help and support of not only Kristen but all the amazing trainers at PTP.



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